Thursday, April 29, 2010

Charleston, South Carolina

We went to the Slave Mart Museum today in Charleston, where they actually sold and held slaves. Talk about history. They referred to it as a "storeroom" to purchase goods. You were worth the most if you were between the ages of 19-24 going for about $900.00. At that time in S. Carolina there were far more black slaves then white people.
We drove to Mt. Pleasanton and we bought a Sweetgrass Basket, they are so beautiful and we loved the lady we bought it from. Her relatives had been slaves in the mansion that we toured the other day. She sells her baskets on a corner off the highway and her family has sold baskets there in the same spot for 100 years. We saw a Sweetgrass Basket at the Slave Mart Museum earlier today. It is the oldest African craft in America, the trade was transported across the Atlantic by enslaved African people. They are made with bulrush, sweetgrass, pine needles and palmetto.
We also found out what else is biting us. Chiggers, that's what causing the extra big welts that turn red and itch like crazy! Our camping neighbors brought us clear nail polish and told us to put that on it, it suffocates them. We'll try anything. The no see um's are definitely the worst though.

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